this 4x4 matrix keypad circuitry is based on a 4x4 matrix keypad and seven-segment display. 

keyboard interfacing 

components required :

  1. 8051
  2. push button switches(8)
  3. seven-segment display
  4. Vcc
  5. ground
  6. capacitor 
  7. crystal
and that's all you needed

now go to components of multisim and select all the components listed above. 8 switches will be required for this project.
and select .hex file in 8051

please read all the steps for a better understanding of the project

Now connect the circuit as shown below

  • This circuit is made based on code which we will be burning in Arduino 

  • Now it's time to write the code in Keil. So open the Keil IDE window 

if you don't know how to use Keil click here

  • write the assembly language code in Keil  given below

org 0000h
//P2 row output port low
//P3 coloumn input port high
repeat: mov P2,#00h
        mov P3,#0fh
mov r0,#00h
mov r1,#04h
mov r6,#00h
mov dptr,#100h

not_released: mov a,P3
cjne a,#0fh,not_released
call delay

not_pressed: mov a,P3
cjne a,#0fh, key_pressed
sjmp not_pressed

key_pressed:    acall delay 
clr c
mov P2,#7fh
mov a,P2
find_row:       rl a 
      mov r7,a
acall delay
mov P2,a
mov a,P3
cjne a,#0fh,row_found
mov a,r6
add a,#04h
mov r6,a
mov a,r7
djnz r1,find_row
row_found:      mov a,P3
again:         rrc a
jnc col_found
inc r0
sjmp again
col_found:      mov a,r6
add a,r0
movc a,@a+dptr
mov P1,a
over: sjmp over
mov tmod,#02h
mov th0,#0eeh
setb tr0
here: jnb tf0,here
clr tf0 
clr tr0

ORG 100H 
//DB 06H,5BH,4FH,66H,6DH,7DH,07H,7FH,6FH
DB 06h,5bh,4fh,77h,66h,6dh,7dh,7ch,07h,7fh,0bfh,39h,00h,3fh,00h,5eh


  • know build code or simply please F5.
  • know put .hex file in 8051 in multisim


points to be noted:

  • make sure all switches are off
  • all connections are in the same way as shown above circuit
  • all connections are proper
now simulate the circuit in multisim
be patient, wait for a while
  • the screen should be like below

  • now click on any one switch of the keyboard, I am clicking the second switch from the top
  • be patient, wait for a while

  • now for before the next switch to press turn off the simulation and make sure to turn off all the switches which you have turned on
  • and the again start the simulation
  • and click another switch, I am clicking the third switch in the second row

now do the same steps all the time when you click a new switch

And that's all😀

for any doubt contact us

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