After creating or design a circuit in multisim, the next step is to simulate.

(Click here to design a circuit in multisim)

step to simulate the circuit

step 1: to simulate click on the run or F5

step 2: double click on the component where you are taking the output of the circuit

In this circuit, I have used an oscilloscope for the check the output waveform.

 The above fig is of oscilloscope window 👆

step 3: change scale to view clear output in the oscilloscope 

as you can see above I have changed the scale 500us from 10ms. by this, we can observe clear output waveform

step 5: take a reading

by moving these two lines you can take the reading of frequency, time, and may more.
(initially, these two lines will be on the left side of the the graph)

now you are ready to take the reading for you circuit😄

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