each pin in Arduino has specific different work on the board.

  • TX, RX, SEO, SDA pin:

The pin TX, RX,  SEO, and SDA are used to communicate with external devices. these pins help the ATmega328 microcontroller to communicate with external devices such as sensors, your computer, and many external devices. 

let move to the front side of the board.

  • USB pin: 
this pin is used to communicate with your Arduino software on your computer. this pin helps to upload Arduino code to ATmega328 microcontroller to perform a specified task or send a program to Arduino UNO. This pin is also used to power the Arduino Uno board.

USB pin

  • power supply for Arduino UNO

apart from this USB pin, we can also power Arduino through thus battle connector so you can have external power brick that can connect it to wall power and use a compatible 5.5-millimeter connector to provided power Arduino, like this.
So you need not connect Arduino all the time for power. it can be used as an external power supply. The barrel connector gives you the ability to detach your Arduino from your computer. but you need to be careful to ci=onnect a power source with this appropriate voltage.

you can also use an external battery power supply like this one. Just fill it with batteries. And can be connected will the same connector as above. So now you do not need to connect to your wall. and it is an independent supply

  • voltage regulator
Speaking of power requirement for Arduino UNO is capable of dealing with a wide range of power supplies in terms of voltage it is a voltage regulator in here that makes it possible for you to connect a power source that ranges from 5 to 12 volts you can go above as well but then if you have a power supply that is 15 or 16 volt you are going to have a lot of vestige power on this component here which is a voltage regulator.

So if you use an external power brake like this I recommend that it's something  9 volts or no more than 12 volts in order to reduce the heat that is produced in this component here the voltage regulator similarly if you use especially if you use a battery power supply the more battery you put more waste you will have at voltage regulator, So with something like this you should have the 9 volts.

  • ICSP headers

Through the ICSP pin you can use the special attached hardware it is called a hardware programmer that allows you to directly program your microcontroller you have two sets of ICSP because there are two microcontrollers on the board.

ICSP header at ATmega328 is used to program the microcontroller atmega328 and ICSP header at USB controller set is used to program the USB controller. ICSP header they are used to programming directly the microcontroller using dedicated programming devices.

  • Reset button

 this pin is used to reset the Arduino Uno board.whichever program is going on in the ATmega328 microcontroller will be erased by pressing this reset button.

  • crystal clock

Then you have got the shiny device here this is a crystal clock. it is calibrated to beat at 16 million times per second so that 16 megahertz and it's the clock that makes the whole board tick.

 every microcontroller just like a microprocessor clock in order for it to operate every time that the clock takes the processor will include the next instruction if there is no clock here or if the clock is not functioning properly then the microcontroller will not operate as like time stops if there is no clock.

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